Tendonitis of the Forearm


What is Forearm Tendonitis?

Forearm tendonitis is a gradual onset of inflammation in the forearm tendons. For reference, the forearm is located between your wrist and elbow with several tendons that cover the area. These tendons are bands of connective tissue attaching muscle to bone and if irritated or injured, can become inflamed causing symptoms such as pain, weakness, or tenderness to touch.

Tendonitis of the forearm occurs in the muscles and tendons of the arm. JOI RehabForearm Tendonitis

What are the Symptoms of Tendonitis in the Forearm? 

The muscles of the forearms provide the ability to flex and extend the wrist and fingers. A way to self evaluate if you think you might have forearm tendonitis is to be aware of the symptoms. Such as pain when using the wrist, elbow, or forearm. These symptoms include: 

  • Possible Numbness extending to the hand
  • Swelling
  • Throbbing
  • Burning 
  • Stiffness

The main symptom that occurs is inflammation of the area which can include redness and warmth to the touch.

What is Tendonitis?

Tendonitis is typically caused from overuse of the muscle. Two common types of forearm tendonitis are lateral epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) and medial epicondylitis (Golfer’s Elbow).  The first step on the road to recovery is to stop repetitive motions. Repetitive movements to avoid are throwing, lifting, pulling, typing and the like.  Painting is another common repetitive movement that we don’t do very often and be a cause of tendonitis. 

How Should You Treat Forearm Tendonitis?

 If you begin to notice symptoms of forearm tendonitis, there are options for treatment. Application of rest, ice, compression, and elevation or the RICE Protocol.  This is a self treatment that can alleviate symptoms and allow healing to occur. Rest is essential if suspected forearm tendonitis is present and you should rest for a couple of days.

You can relieve forearm tendonitis with the application of ice. JOI RehabApplication of Ice to Relieve Forearm Tendonitis

Physical Therapy for Tendonitis of the Forearm

Physical therapy is an excellent resource in alleviating and preventing forearm tendonitis. Research shows eccentric strengthening and manual therapy applied to the forearm muscles are successful in treating tendonitis. Exercises can include: resisted wrist, elbow, and gripping exercises. 

What Stretches Should I Do?

Stretches of the wrist extensors can be performed by bending the wrist down allowing the palm to face towards your body with your elbow fully extended. The wrist flexors can be stretched by pulling the wrist the opposite direction. Self-massage techniques using a foam roller or a tennis ball over areas of tensed muscles and restrictions can also be helpful. 

Wrist Stretch for TendonitisWrist Stretching

What if the Forearm Pain Persists?

If conservative treatment options provided do not alleviate the symptoms, talking to your doctor to discuss other treatment interventions would be an appropriate next step. If a tear in a forearm tendon is present, surgery may be recommended by your doctor. After surgery, the rehabilitation is dictated by your surgeon and may include a period of rest followed by a gradual reintroduction of active motion and strengthening of the hand, wrist, and elbow.

Is Tendonitis of the Forearm a Common Condition?

Overall, forearm tendonitis is very common and can resolve itself within a few weeks with rest and avoiding activities that could cause irritation to the area. With proper care and education on forearm tendonitis, you can know the appropriate way to avoid further injury and receive the right treatment for you. Knowing the signs and symptoms are essential in determining if you might have forearm tendonitis. Seek a consultation with a medical professional including a doctor or physical therapist for a thorough examination, diagnosis, and instruction of treatment.

Written By:  Courtney Laymon, PTA

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