Jacksonville Orthopedic Institute Occupational Therapy and Hand Therapy
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Hand Therapy at JOI
Hand therapy is the specialization of evaluating and treating injuries and conditions of the upper extremity, which consists of shoulder, elbow, forearm, wrist, and hand. The Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute has the most Certified Hand Therapists in the North Florida region. Hand Therapy treats various conditions and diagnoses of the entire Upper Extremity. OTs treat trauma, arthritis, infection, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), Trigger finger, fractures, tendon injuries, rotator cuff shoulder injuries (RTC), and many other conditions.

JOI Hand Therapist
Hand Therapy helps patients regain functional use of their upper extremities by improving strength, range of motion, managing pain, swelling, wound, and scar care. This will allow them to regain independence in daily activities. Your hand therapist will have a number of therapeutic tools and exercise activities at their disposal to help you achieve the highest functional use of your injured area. They will work to improve Range of motion (ROM), strengthening exercises, customized orthotic splinting, education, adaptive equipment, and modalities. Our goal is to return you back to the things you love!

JOI Hand therapy
Occupational Therapy and Hand Therapy JOI Rehab is now offering Telehealth Visits
The Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute Rehabilitation provides comprehensive preventative and post-surgical Hand Therapy and Occupational Therapy services across 9 locations over the Northeast Florida region. Our Occupational Therapists work to allow patients to get back to their prior level of independence before their injury. The design of these services are to prevent dysfunction and maximize functional recovery for patients. Our program allows for a close relationship between the physician and the clinician who is treating the patient in therapy. JOI Rehab continues to offer Telehealth for therapy which occurs in your own home. Our clinicians will provide these services as needed during this pandemic. Splints occur in a regular OT office visit.

JOI hand therapy using moldable clay
JOI Rehab therapists follow over 150 diagnosis-specific rehabilitation protocols. They clearly outline precautions, goals, and when to gradually progress loads to healing tissues. Our occupational therapists receive training in splint fabrication. They make custom splints out of heat-sensitive plastic which mold perfectly to fit a patient’s body part.
Occupational Therapy Splints

JOI arm splint
Hand injuries, such as tendon lacerations or other upper extremity injuries, such as broken bones, can occur in a variety of ways. A splint can protect and immobilize these joints, and depending on the injury, there can be a variety of splints. Splints consist of heat-sensitive plastic which is custom molded with the use of hot water.
Typically, placing a sock on an individual’s hand while the making the splint occurs for comfort. This splint can typically be taken off for certain activities of daily living (ADLs) such as showering or dressing. You can clean the splint with soap and water. Just be extra careful, as dogs and other small animals like them too! Please do not leave your splint in your car as it will melt.
Fracture Splints
The most common reason for prescription of a splint is for protection and immobilization. A splint for finger fractures in known as a safe position splint. This requires the patient’s metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints to be bent approximately 70 degrees. This is necessary for proper healing. The site of the fracture will determine the length of the splint. If the fracture is closer to the tip of the finger, the splint may only need to be hand-based. If the fracture is lower into the hand the splint may need to be forearm-based. Another common splint is a Long Arm Splint. The patient’s elbow is bent at 90 degrees and the forearm is in a neutral position. A common splint for most injuries, such as elbow fractures and surgeries needed to relocate nerves in the elbow.
While typically used for immobilization and protection, a splint can increase the range of motion (ROM) in joints. With some injuries, an individual can develop stiffness in their joints. Static progressive or dynamic splinting can help increase the motion. These types of splints are made through the use of springs or elastic bands that increase movement. Patients initiate and control the splint by adjusting them for comfort and to set the appropriate stretch. Physicians prescribe these splints and the doctor and your therapist determine splinting frequency and duration.

JOI custom thumb splint
Silver Ring Splints
Tired of homemade splints for your sore arthritic fingers? Frustrated when every time you try to pick up a pen or coin your fingertip collapses and tilts to the side? The Hand Therapists at JOI Rehab have the skills and materials that can offer comfort and greater function. If you don’t want surgery to correct a crooked or bent painful digit, a splint can offer support and help to decrease pain. These splints may consist of plastic or metal. Some even have customizations we can order to look like jewelry or silver rings. Most insurances cover these splints. Therefore, the Certified Hand Therapists at JOI Rehab have the experience and wealth of knowledge to help you with your specific individual needs.

Silver Ring Splints
Finally, you can read about Our Certified Hand Therapists use mirror therapy to increase hand function
The Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute offers Occupational Therapy and Hand Therapy services at 10 locations throughout the North Florida Region. In conclusion, you can call 904-858-7045 to find the location which is closest to you.
Occupational Therapy, Hand Therapy, and Hand Splints are now offered at our JOI Rehab Nocatee Location.