Common Causes of Elbow Pain


By: Drew Heideman, PT ATC

Common Causes of Elbow Pain

Although the elbow is a relatively simple joint compared to other joints of the upper extremity, it is no stranger to injury. There are numerous causes for to the conditions that cause elbow pain.

Anatomy of the human elbow. JOI RehabElbow Anatomy

Elbow Pain 

Overuse and sports injuries such as tennis elbow, golfers elbow, and little leaguers elbow cause many are the cause of much elbow pain, but the elbow can also sustain trauma that creates injury and pain. 

Like other orthopaedic conditions, disorders of the elbow may involve muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones in the arm. The treatments for elbow disorders depend on the underlying cause.

Tennis Elbow

What is elbow tendonitis or tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is a condition that affects the lateral side (thumb side) of the elbow. This overuse condition is referred to by medical professionals as lateral epicondylitis. The elbow pain is primarily felt at the lateral epicondyle, the bony bump on the outer side of the elbow. 

Lateral epicondylitis or “tennis elbow” is the most common injury at the elbow. The name is somewhat of a misnomer as tennis is not always the cause. 

 The causes of tennis elbow can vary but the most common cause is a cumulative or degenerative overuse of the wrist extensor muscles. 

 Treatment for lateral epicondylitis often involves stretching of the wrist extensor muscles, activity modification, massage, modalities such as ultrasound and low level laser therapy. 

 This condition also responds well to Graston instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization.

JOI uses the Graston Technique for tennis elbowGraston Technique for Tennis Elbow

Golfers Elbow

Golfer’s elbow is a condition that affects the medial side (pinky side) of the elbow. This overuse condition is referred to by medical professionals as medial epicondylitis. 

Much like tennis elbow, golf is not the only cause of this condition. Golfer’s elbow occurs when the tendons that attach to medial epicondyle become inflamed from either over working or an acute injury. 

 This can occur from activities such as repetitive gripping activity, repetitive use of a screwdriver, or prolonged carrying activity. 

 Treatment for medial epicondylitis often involves stretching of the wrist flexor muscles, activity modification, massage, modalities such as ultrasound and medical laser therapy.  

This condition also responds well to Graston instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization.

Little League Elbow

As its name implies, this condition typically affects young throwing athletes. Little League elbow describes by medical professionals as medial epicondylar apophysitis. 

Medial epicondylar apophysitis is a result of repetitive traction force to the medial epicondylar apophysis during the throwing motion. Treatment for this condition almost always includes cessation of all throwing activity. 

 In the early stages of recovery, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications can be useful. Clinicians will work with the injured athlete to correct any biomechanical deficiencies and address any areas of weakness or immobility that may contribute to the development of the condition.

Olecranon Bursitis

Pain with significant associated swelling the back of the elbow is typically the result of olecranon bursitis. This condition most often is the result of a direct impact or repetitive overpressure to the back of the elbow. 

 This occurs when trauma to the small fluid filled sack called the olecranon bursa creates swelling in the back of the elbow. This swelling can create pain, tenderness to the touch and limit the ability to fully bend the elbow. 

 Treatment for this condition includes cryotherapy, padding and bracing, and possible aspiration to drain the swelling from the area.

Sprains and Strains

Much like the other joints of the body, ligament and muscular injury can occur in any of the numerous ligaments and muscles located in the elbow joint. 

Sprains and strains can occur due to trauma from injuries such as a fall on an outstretched arm or as a result of a forceful stress. The ligament or muscle is typically stretched very rapidly crating partial or complete tearing. 

A sprain to a ligament will typically be painful with stretching while a strain to a muscle will typically result in pain with contraction of the involved muscle. Treatment for these conditions is typically going to include a period of rest to allow normal healing. 

Bracing and pain relieving agents such as cryotherapy, electrical stimulation, low level laser therapy can be helpful at improving functional return. 

A course of physical therapy or occupational therapy can also be helpful to restore normal strength and stability following injury as well.

JOI Rehab Treats Elbow Pain With Physical Therapy

JOI Rehab offers physical therapy for elbow pain. There are different treatments for the various sources of elbow pain. Joint mobilization, which is a hands-on technique to improve mobility of the joints, is a common way in which elbow pain is treated. Ergonomic education is also important in treating elbow pain, as the source of most of the pain comes from how people grip objects. 

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