ACL Repair Recovery

By Drew Zachary, PT, DPT

What is an ACL Repair?

ACL reconstruction is surgery to replace a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), a major ligament in your knee that connects the femur to the tibia. It has a very important role in increasing stability of the knee. ACL injuries most commonly occur in athletes who play sports which require quick changes in direction or sudden stops such as football, soccer, and hockey. It typically occurs when a player quickly twists or hyperextends the knee with the foot planted on the ground.

Click to learn more about ACL Injuries and ACL Tears.

Image of the knee, acl injury, and all four major ligaments labeled: posterior cruciate ligament, anterior cruciate ligament, lateral collateral ligament, medial collateral ligament.ACL Injury

How Painful is ACL Repair Surgery Recovery?

You can expect some level of discomfort following ACL surgery, but this greatly differs from person to person. The first several weeks are considered the healing phase in which the incisions and tissues heal. Pain / discomfort during this phase is managed through use of medications as prescribed by your doctor and through use of ice to limit swelling.

Click HERE to Learn the Step by Step ACL Recovery Protocol.

How Long Does it Take to Walk After ACL Surgery?

The time it takes to begin walking after ACL surgery greatly depends on the strength of the muscles in your upper leg.

Typically, you will be placed in a brace that keeps the leg straight and does not allow it to bend while you walk with crutches. This is to protect the surgery and prevent the knee from buckling while weight-bearing.

With improved strength and the instruction of your doctor or physical therapist, you may begin walking without the brace which typically happens around weeks 4-6.

How Long is the Recovery After an ACL Repair?

Typical recovery to full function following ACL repair can take up to 9 months depending on the activities that you plan on returning to do. High level athletes can expect to have a longer ACL repair recovery time due to the need to return to higher level activities including running, jumping, and cutting.

Agility training with small hurdles on a track withh 2 athletes. Agility and running after ACL repair or ACL reconstructionAgility and running training

Click to learn about Running After An ACL Repair.

What is the Fastest Way to Recover from an ACL Repair?

With close guidance and supervision from your doctor and physical therapist you can expect the fastest recovery time following an ACL repair. It is worth noting that recovery takes time and should not be rushed.

Can I Climb Stairs after ACL Surgery?

Once you have improved the strength in your upper leg muscles, your physical therapist will work with you to improve your ability to go up and down the stairs. This is greatly dependent on the patient and how well your strength progresses.

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ACL Doctors in Jacksonville

If you think you may have a torn ACL or any other knee injury, the Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute is the top choice for treatment. The JOI team has the expertise and technological advances to get you back in action!

If you would like to schedule an appointment with a JOI Knee Specialist, call 904-JOI-2000, schedule online, or click the link below. To schedule an appointment for physical therapy at one of the 12 JOI Rehab Centers, please call 904-858-7045.

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