Pain in Lower Back
By Ehren Allen, Certified Manual Therapist/Physical Therapist
Pain in the Lower Back
Low back pain affects many people in America. It can occur in a variety of ways. These can range from simple strains due to improper lifting to fractures due to direct trauma, such as falling. However, the incidence of chronic pain increases as our population ages. As our activities of daily living increase, and as we participate in repetitive activities, such as running these incidences increase. One area that can often times be over looked is the occurrence of a leg length discrepancy.

Woman holding lower back
A patient who possesses a leg length discrepancy can experience a variety of pains such as low back pain and hip pain. Leg length discrepancy can result in greater stress upon your lumbar spine. The application of a heel lift or an orthotic device with a heel lift can result in decreased lumbar stress and a reduction of pain. These can be prescribed by your doctor and fit by many JOI clinicians.
Leg Length Discrepancy
The occurrence of a leg length discrepancy is not the only finding that can benefit with use of an orthotic device. People who possess increased pronation during ambulation may also be candidates for an orthotic device in order to alleviate chronic low back pain. Chronic low back pain can significantly limit our ability to work, play and perform activities of daily living. Increased pronation results in a domino effect up the back, which can affect posture as well mechanics with walking.
The more we walk and the more stress we place on our back, the more stress is placed on our back. The use of orthotics can provide more control of the foot and help correct the altered posture and improve their gait. The importance of gait, foot mechanics as well as leg length can play an important role in decreasing our low back pain and increasing our functional level.
If you want to learn more information about the Low Back, go to low back pain, sciatica, Robotic Spine Surgery at JOI, Lower Back Muscle Anatomy, & Lower back pain
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By: Ehren Allen, Certified Manual Therapist/Physical Therapist