What is Tendonitis of the Knee?


There are several large tendons around the knee joint.  The quick answer is that knee tendonitis is when one of those tendons become inflamed or irritated causing knee pain.  The most common type of knee tendonitis is patella tendonitis, also known as “Jumper’s Knee.”  To learn more about the anatomy of the knee, please go to: Anatomy of the Knee by JOI.

Tendonitis of the knee is treated at JOI RehabTendonitis of the knee

Patellar Tendonitis Symptoms

The patellar tendon is located in the front of the knee joint.  The two tendons attach the quadriceps muscle group to the shin bone and thigh bone.  Knee pain associated with patella tendonitis will worsen with walking quickly, going up or down stairs, jumping, kicking, and running.  Another symptom of patellar tendonitis can be swelling over the tendon.  The most common cause of patella tendonitis is overuse.  

When the tendon has inflammation from repeatedly stretched or by doing the same movement over a long duration of time. Age can also be a risk factor in getting patella tendonitis because tendons become more brittle with age.  Some studies have shown that certain medications can play a role in weakening the tendon. 

Treatment for Tendonitis for Knee Pain

Treatment for patella tendonitis starts with avoiding activities that cause the pain.  Treatment should start with  applying ice to the affected area.  It is important to ease back into activity once you begin to feel the pain lessen so that your tendonitis doesn’t reappear. 

 A patellar strap can be used to alleviate pressure from the patellar tendon during the healing process. JOI Physical therapy helps to address inflexibility and strength deficits surrounding the knee joint. If you have symptoms other than those describing tendonitis of the knee, consult an orthopedic physician.  If you would like to learn more about knee pain, go to: knee pain symptoms

Tendinitis of the Knee. JOI RehabKnee Tendinitis

Physical Therapy for Knee Pain

Physical Therapy can be very useful for the treatment of knee pain associated with tendonitis of the Knee.  A Physical Therapist will do a complete evaluation of your knee.  They will determine if you need to improve flexibility and improve your strength. They may use modalities or treatments such as: Laser Therapy, Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, The Graston Technique, Massage, Quad Flexibility and VMO Strengthening. 

JOI Rehab Image of the Quad and Patellar TendonsImage of the quad muscle and patellar tendons

To schedule a physical therapy appointment at one of the 12 JOI Rehab Centers, please call 904-858-7045.

JOI Rehab can now provide Direct Access to Physical Therapy. 

Bracing for Patella Tendonitis

Some JOI Physicians and Therapists use certain braces or taping techniques.  These techniques can be helpful to reduce the knee pain associated with this condition.  There are also several different types of braces.  Some are made to go directly over the patella tendon.  They try to decrease the stress on the tendon with counter forces. Others are made to help with the alignment of the patella in the Patello-Femoral Joint.  JOI Rehab provides an excellent brace which is called a Shields Brace.

JOI Rehab sells the Shields Brace for the KneeShields Brace with Knee Model

These braces are helpful in assisting to correct the alignment of the patella and how it tracks.  Taping principles follow the same as bracing.  New taping techniques with Kinesiotape can also help decrease the stress or strain to the tendon. 

Image of The Shields Brace by JOI RehabImage of Shield Brace for Tracking of the Patella

If you want to learn more about knee pain, go to our trending section: 

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To make appointments with JOI Rehab, please call 904-858-7045.

By: Jared Ernest, PT

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