JOI Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute

TaxSlayer Gator Bowl 2025

Dr. Smith and Dr. Von Thron were on the sidelines with MA Macy and ATCs Amber and Ben providing on the field care to both Duke and Ole Miss

Did you know? JOI may be the official medical provider for the Jags, but sometimes we have the opportunity to extend our care and services to visiting teams as well! At last night’s Gator Bowl, Dr. Smith and Dr. Von Thron were on the sidelines with MA Macy and ATCs Amber and Ben providing on the field care to both Duke and Ole Miss! We are so proud of our team and honored to have been a part of the TaxSlayer Gator Bowl 2025!


JOI is “Where the Pros Go” … even if the pros are just passing through!

Dr. Smith and Dr. Von Thron at the Gator Bowl