JOI Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Tips

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is a common condition that affects many different groups of people but more specifically those who engage in repetitive hand movements or maintain prolonged wrist positions. To maintain health and avoid discomfort in the hand and wrist, it is important to understand what CTS is and how to prevent it as well as get a diagnosis and treatment plan.


What Exactly is CTS?

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passage in the wrist that is surrounded by bones and ligaments through which the median nerve passes. This nerve controls sensations in all the fingers except the little finger and signals to muscles at the base of the thumb. When the carpal tunnel becomes compressed it can lead to swelling, pain, numbness, and weakness in the hands, this is known as CTS.

What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Several different things can cause carpal tunnel, here are a few possibilities: 

  • Repetitive Movement of The Hand and Wrist: Activities that involve repetitive extension or flexion of the wrist like typing or playing an instrument can lead to discomfort and swelling of the wrist. 
  • Wrist Position: While you are typing or using your cellphone, your wrist stays in a bent position for a prolonged amount of time. This can cause an increase in pressure in the carpal tunnel resulting in CTS. 
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions like diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid disorders can increase the risk of developing CTS. Pregnancy can also lead to CTS because of the changes in hormones and fluid retention.

Diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

To diagnose CTS, you need to consult a healthcare professional. Here are a few factors that help get the diagnosis of CTS.

  • Medical History: Your doctor will need to take your medical history before diagnosing. Tell them about your symptoms, when they began, and their severity. They may also ask about any pre-existing conditions that could play a role in the symptoms you are experiencing. 
  • Physical Exam: After taking history, your doctor may want to continue with a physical examination. During this exam, your doctor will assess your hands and wrists for signs of CTS. There are two specific tests that may be performed:
  1. Tinel’s Sign is a test that involves tapping over the median nerve at the wrist to see if it produces any tingling or pain in the finger.
  2. Phalen’s Maneuver requires you to flex the wrist for 60 seconds to check for numbness or tingling in the fingers. 
  • Nerve Conduction Studies: Nerve Conduction Studies may be performed to rule out any other medical condition. This is a helpful study for doctors to ensure they give a correct diagnosis.
  • Ultrasound: Doing an ultrasound exam will allow the doctor to confirm the diagnosis as well as see the severity of your case. The ultrasound is a non-invasive test that will let the doctor visualize the median nerve and the area around it.

Treatments for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Depending on the severity of your case, you may have a couple of options available for treatment. Discuss with your doctor to figure out which treatment plan will give you the best results.

  1. Mild to Moderate Treatments:
  • Wrist Splinting: Wearing a wrist splint during the night will help keep the wrist in a neutral position. This can help reduce the pressure on the median nerve. 
  • Changing your Activities: Modifying and taking breaks from activities that put more stress on your hands and wrist can help alleviate symptoms. 
  • Cold Therapy: Applying ice to the wrist can help reduce inflammation and swelling. Ice your wrist for 15-20 minutes several times a day, especially after rigorous activities. 
  1. Medications: Over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and naproxen can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. In more serious cases, corticosteroid injections may be recommended to reduce swelling and relieve pressure on the median nerve. 
  2. Physical Therapy: Physical therapy may be necessary in serious cases of CTS. This treatment can be beneficial for strengthening muscles around the wrist and improving flexibility. A physical therapist can also provide exercises tailored to you to help alleviate symptoms and educate you on proper wrist mechanics. 

Surgery: If you are unable to experience relief from any of the other treatments listed, surgery may be an option for you. The most common procedure is called carpal tunnel release. This involves cutting the ligament that is pressing on your median nerve. This surgery can be performed through open surgery or by using minimally invasive techniques and has a high success rate. Recovery may involve physical therapy.

Prevention Tips for CTS

  1. Ergonomic Workspace: One of the most effective ways of preventing CTS is to change up your workspace and make ergonomic adjustments. Some changes you can make to your area are keeping the mouse and keyboard at elbow height, adjusting your chair height so your feet rest flat on the floor, and keeping your monitor height at eye level. These small changes help keep your hands and wrists in the proper positions that help prevent CTS.
  2. Stretching and Building Strength: Incorporating wrist and hand exercises into your daily life can help maintain flexibility and improve muscle support around the wrist.
  3. Using Proper Technique and Limiting Strain: Be mindful of your posture and how you use your wrist while typing or engaging in manual tasks. Focus on keeping your wrists straight and avoid over-flexing or extending the hands. If possible, you should also focus on avoiding prolonged staining of the hand and wrist. Try working on alternating hands when using your cell phone and switching to tasks that require less strain on the wrists.

Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute

If you feel like you may have carpal tunnel syndrome, contact us at Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute today. We have a variety of physicians who specialize in treatment plans for CTS and would love to give you the care you deserve. JOI strives to provide quality healthcare services to all of their patients. If you have any questions or need to make an appointment for your CTS, contact JOI at 904-564-2000 or visit our website.