Low Back Pain, Knee Pain, and Hip Pain


By: Ehren Allen, DPT, COMT

Are Low Back Pain, Knee Pain, and Hip Pain Related?

Often in physical therapy, patient tells us that they have several areas which are in pain.   Often, their back and hip hurt or their pain from their back goes down to their knee.  How are all of these related?

Man at the Doctor with low back pain, knee pain, and hip pain

The quick answer to this question is yes they can all be related.  There are numerous muscles, tendons, and nerves that cross all of these areas.  When one of these areas has a problem, it can affect other areas.

The truths about low back pain, knee pain, and hip pain are:

  • Knee pain can cause back pain.
  • Knee problems can cause back pain.
  • Back and knee pain can be related.
  • Hip or groin pain and knee pain can be connected.
  • There can be a connection between back pain and knee pain.  

How Can the Low Back Cause Hip or Knee Pain? 

Muscles in the hip and low backThe low back or lumbar spine houses the nerves that supply the legs.  Problems in the low back can cause pain to radiate to the hip and knee regions.  The pain may vary depending upon the position of the low back.  

If there is lower back pain, the muscles around the spine may have spasms.  Muscle spasms in the low back can cause the pelvis to elevate on one side.  When the pelvis is not level, it changes the direction of the force on other parts of the body.  This can lead to abnormal stress on the hip and/or knee.

Weakness in the core muscles of the abdomen and lower back can cause excessive movement in the spine with walking or daily activity.  Overtime, this can translate to extra stress on the hip and knee which can eventually result in pain in the hip and knee. 

If you would like to learn more about the Anatomy of the Spine, this VIDEO may help.

How Does Knee Pain Cause Back Pain?

Knee pain can alter the way you walk.  Walking with limp changes how long you place weight on each leg. This can alter the movement at the hip joints and cause the low back to twist or side bend more with walking activity.  

When abnormal movement happens at the knee, the forces are transferred through the hips, pelvis, and lumbar spine or low back.  If you lack range of motion in your knee, this can certainly lead to low back pain.  Over time, this can cause excessive wear and tear in the low back and lead to pain.  

The lack of flexibility of the muscles of the knee and hip can also cause pain in all three joints.  Tight hamstrings and the IT Band are the most common cause of pain in one or all three of the body parts.  It is so important to maintain good flexibility of your muscles in the lower leg.

How Does Hip Pain Cause Back Pain?

Anatomy of the hip and low back

When we walk, the hips must move fluidly to allow symmetry in our walking pattern. When the hip does not move properly or there is a pain in the hip, other areas of the body must move to compensate for the lack of hip joint movement.  The low back is the most common area that has to compensate with extra movement.  

When the hip does not extend behind the body, the spine has to rotate and extend more than normal to allow efficient walking.  Over time, the extra movement in the lower back can lead to wear and tear.  Eventually, the low back can become painful.

Hip arthritis and limited flexibility are 2 common reasons for limited hip mobility.

Physical Therapy For Low Back Pain, Knee Pain and Hip Pain

Physical therapy for low back pain

Physical therapy is an effective way to treat most causes of knee pain, hip pain, and low back pain. Conservative care like physical therapy is also cost-effective and promotes overall wellness.  Many insurance companies do not even authorize advanced testing unless you have at least tried physical therapy first.  

Some ways that physical therapy can help are:

  • Strength training
  • Stretching
  • Body Mechanics Training
  • Balance Training
  • Soft tissue mobilization
  • Joint mobilization
  • Functional training and education

Often in physical therapy we will combine all of the above or most of the above treatments in a comprehensive program.  A strong core is also a key element to the success of the good physical therapy program.

Related Articles: How To Relieve Back Pain and Muscle Strains

Doctors for Back Pain, Hip Pain, and Knee Pain in Jacksonville, FL

If you have back pain, hip pain, or knee pain, the Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute can help. We are the premier orthopedic and sports medicine practice in Northeast Florida and our Doctors and Therapists are here for you!.  Let us help you get on the Road to Recovery.

To schedule an appointment for physical therapy, please call JOI Rehab at 904-858-7045.

To schedule an appointment, call 904-JOI-2000schedule online, or click the link below.  New to JOI, you can also schedule and cancel follow up physician appointments on the JOI Patient Portal.

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