Martial Arts
What are Martial Arts?
Martial Arts originated as a form of self-defense or attack and has been practiced for centuries worldwide. The most commonly known martial arts are believed to be originated in East Asia and continue to be a prevalent form of fitness and competition because it is not only a physical practice but also has a strong emphasis on the mental and spiritual aspects of the body, allowing the mind and body to act as a unit to complete the task at hand.
Young woman performing martial arts.
Martial Arts can be divided into armed and unarmed arts. Armed martial arts include archery, spearmanship, and swordsmanship. Unarmed martial arts emphasize striking with the hands and feet and grappling, which is more of a body manipulation where leverage and timing are used. Examples of striking martial arts include Karate and Taekwondo. Grappling martial arts include Wrestling, Sumo, Judo, and Jiu-Jitsu. Tai chi is another form of unarmed martial arts and is a popular exercise to maintain overall health. MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) combines several techniques from various martial arts and is rapidly gaining popularity around the world in organizations such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship or UFC and also in Bellator MMA.
Which Martial Art is the Most Powerful?
Most martial arts instructors believe that there is not a specific “most powerful” martial art. There are many variables to consider, like flexibility, endurance, skill level, etc., that can alter the effectiveness of specific martial arts. Some are better for competition, while others are better for self-defense. The most successful martial artists typically use various skills and techniques from several of the different martial arts. When used together, the two main components of martial arts, striking and grappling, can create a strong, well-rounded competitor. Both Boxing and Muay Thai emphasize striking techniques while Wrestling and Jiu-Jitsu emphasize grappling. This is why Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is popular because it utilizes techniques from several different martial arts.
Which Martial Art has the Most Injuries?
Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), which combines all the different martial arts, has rules that are less strict than traditional martial arts and can lead to a higher incidence of injury. MMA is a full-contact sport, and both striking and grappling techniques are allowed therefore creating a higher frequency of injury. It is important to note that in MMA, it is more common to see injuries in competition than it is training.
Which Martial Art has the Least Injuries?
The martial art with the least amount of injury is Tai Chi because there is no contact with others, so the focus is on the individual. The techniques and the training principles teach you to perform without an opponent. Tai Chi focuses on your physical and spiritual body, and some exercises can be challenging, but overall, if taught correctly, injuries will be rare.
What are the Most Common Martial Arts Injuries?
The martial arts utilize different techniques, equipment, intensity, and regulations and can lead to a wide variety of injuries ranging from mild to severe. In martial arts, it is more common to see injuries during competition than it is in training. The most common martial arts injuries that can occur throughout practices are:
- Sprains
- Strains
- Cuts
- Bruises
A man with a neck and back injury from martial arts.
As far as severe injuries go, it typically depends on the Martial Arts style that you are performing. Martial arts that emphasize striking (i.e., Karate and Taekwondo) typically have more injuries to the head, face, nose, and mouth. This can include:
- Concussions
- Facial lacerations
- Injuries to the ear and nose
Muscle injuries to the hamstring and groin regions in striking martial arts are common, usually caused when performing a kick, and can involve, pain, tightness, and spasms. Stress fractures can also occur, typically in training, caused by the repetitive forces being placed on the bone. Grappling martial arts (i.e., wrestling, judo, and jiu-jitsu) tend to have more injuries involving sprains and dislocations due to contact with the opponent.
How Can You Prevent Martial Arts Injuries?
There are several ways to help prevent injuries when practicing martial arts. These strategies discussed below can be used before, during, and after your martial arts practice to help you prevent injury.
Using proper preparation, like having a physical exam before beginning the sport, can ensure that it is safe to begin practicing the martial arts. Maintaining good physical fitness, especially cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance, and flexibility, will also help to decrease the risk of injury. While you do not need to be physically fit to begin the practice of martial arts, it is important to listen to the advice of your instructor before entertaining the idea of competition. Always be sure to warm up prior and cool down afterward to help to prevent injury.
Utilizing good fitting protective equipment will allow you to practice martial arts with a decreased risk of injury. This includes but is not limited to:
- Headgear
- Safety goggles
- Mouth guards
- Wrapping hands
- Proper footwear based on skill level and type of activity
Learning proper techniques for the specific martial arts you are performing will also help to prevent injury. Your instructor should spot (watch and monitor) you while performing challenging moves and watch you while learning a new move to ensure proper execution. It is also important to note which part of the body can be compromised during a specific move and pay particular attention to that body part when attempting the move. If in competition, you should know and understand your opponent’s level of experience as they might not be aware of the proper techniques to prevent injury. It is also important to know your own limits and train for longevity and not short-term gains.
Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute
Our website medical library has several articles on all of the injuries listed below. Please go to JOI Library or JOI Trending.
To schedule an appointment for physical therapy at one of the 12 JOI Rehab Centers, please call 904-858-7045.
Jacksonville Orthopedic Institute has a team of highly specialized orthopedic doctors and therapists to help you with your injuries. To schedule an appointment with a JOI Orthopedic Specialist, call 904-JOI-2000, schedule online, or click the link below.