Upper Trap Strain

By: Robert Lim, PTA

What Is An Upper Trap Strain?

An upper trap strain is an injury to the upper portion of the trapezius muscle either from an accident either from a fall or accident or from overuse from exercise or activity. An upper trap strain is also described as having a partial or full tear of a muscle. Upper trap strains also can be graded due to the severity of the injury.

  • Grade 1 – With a grade 1 muscle strain, a few muscle fibers have been torn or stretched. After injury the muscle might be sore or tender to touch afterward.
  • Grade 2 – With a grade 2 muscle strain, most of the muscle fibers have been injured and in increase in pain and tenderness intensity increases. An indicator of a grade 2 strain might include swelling and some bruising.
  • Grade 3 – With a grade 3 muscle strain, the muscle fibers have been completely torn through. With this type of injury, you might have felt or heard a pop. The pain is usually very intense with noted swelling and significant lose of motion or function.

Anatomy of Upper Trapezius

The upper trap of part of the three trapezius muscles. The three muscles are called the

  • Upper Trapezius
  • Middle Trapezius
  • Lower Trapezius.

The upper trap starts from the bottom bone of the skull to the nuchal line in the back of your neck. The muscle also attached to the entire cervical spine ( C1 thru C7 ).

Anatomical image of the trapezius muscles with labels showing the upper, middle, and lower portionsTrapezius Muscles

How Does Upper Trap Strain Happen?

An upper trap strain can happen due to either an acute or chronic type injury to the muscle. With an acute injury such as an impact of the area especially during a fall or an accident. Sometimes upper trap strains can happen when you lift something heavy or with improper form/technique. Sleeping in the wrong position can also cause an upper trap strain. With a chronic type injury, this can happen especially if you are an avid weightlifter that performs a certain activity with improper form or with improper weight for the type of lift you are performing.

Symptoms of a Trapezius Strain

Listed below are the common symptoms of an upper trap strain:

  • Muscle pain with movement or lifting. Sometimes with activity that causes the muscle to move or stretch.
  • Moderate or extreme swelling to the area with increased tenderness to palpation to the muscle.
  • A decrease in muscle strength and overall function especially when perform activities.
  • A popping or clicking sensation with movement or when the injury occurred.
  • A gap or dent in the muscle belly due from a complete tear

How Do You Treat or Fix an Upper Trap Strain?

To properly treat or fix an upper trap strain is to follow up with your primary doctor to fully diagnosis the injury. Usually with very mild strains, your doctor might suggest the RICE Protocol. RICE meaning (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). Also using anti-inflammatory meds to decrease inflammation or the area. For more severe type strains, you might need to follow up with your doctor to see if surgical invention might be needed.

When Should You Go to The Doctor For An Upper Trap Strain?

The proper time you should seen your doctor for an upper trap strain is when you have very severe pain with movement or activity. Usually the pain with movement causes severe limitations in overall function and mobility. Limitations in function means having difficulty with ADLs (activity of daily living) such as cleaning, cooking, dressing and grooming.

How Do You Prevent and Upper Trap Strain?

One of the easiest ways to prevent an upper trap strain is to incorporate a stretching/mobility routine to start your day. Stretching helps keep the muscle loose versus it being tight during activity. Other things to include are to decrease resistance with lifting, pushing or pulling type exercise. The rule is if its too heavy its most likely to heavy for you to do safely. Maintaining good posture as well as good technique with exercises are key.

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