JOI Responds to the COVID-19 Crisis With Telemedicine.

Telehealth for Physical Therapy is now available at JOI Rehab. At the Jacksonville Orthopedic Institute, your health and safety are our top priority. We encourage our patients to follow CDC recommendations to protect themselves and others from risks related to the Coronavirus. We are taking the precautions to protect our patients and our staff. This includes continual cleaning and sanitizing of equipment and rooms. All JOI Rehab Center follow social distancing within our centers. Every person who enters any of our facilities receive a temperature check. Patients can use the virtual waiting room. Therefore, you can wait and pay your copay from you car. Only those who are clear can enter enter our facility.
Telehealth Visits for Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy
Above all, we realize that some patients who need physical therapy may have difficulty attending therapy sessions. In conclusion, as of March 23, 2020, JOI Rehab is offering an telehealth option for our patients. E-visits are sessions in which a patient can have a virtual visit with their therapist online. Using the camera of their computer or smart-phone, patients can connect with their therapist. The therapist can address specific issues and concerns which they would normally address during a traditional visit. This is done through the ZOOM Client Meeting program. Patients will need to download the ZOOM app on their device.
Click this Link to Download the ZOOM app. https://zoom.us/download
How do Telehealth/Virtual Visits Work?
- Telehealth E-visits are available to patients who have already had an initial evaluation in-person with a physical or occupational therapist.
- New Patients CAN have an evaluation by a therapist using Telehealth in most circumstances. Therefore, please contact us to confirm whether your insurance covers telehealth therapy evaluations
- E-visits are available to allow patients to connect with their therapist to address specific issues. They are not a replacement of traditional visits and we will address if they can continue for the whole course of treatment.
- Most insurance companies, including Medicare, cover E-visits.
- Patients may request an E-visit if they would like to schedule virtual session.
If you would like to learn about how JOI Rehabilitation can have a Therapist Come to You, read about the JOI Rehab Bridge Program! If you are having surgery and want to stay home after surgery, our bridge program will certainly help you. Therefore, when your ready to come into our center, we can make a smooth transition.
In conclusion, if you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment, call 904-858-7045. You can also request an appointment online or click the link below.

Telemedicine Testimonials
“Good Evening Ehren,
I want to take a moment to thank you and the JOI team for your professionalism and guidance in my ongoing rehab journey. For anyone that has been through rehab, you know through the experience that it’s not something that one would label as fun. However, it is an essential part of the recovery process that allows one to return to hopefully a healthy lifestyle.
On my first appointment, you executed a detailed evaluation of my condition and formulated a program design strictly for me. As a note, the exercises, or program changed as I progressed. I had completed four sessions at the JOI facility on San Jose Blvd when the world started to talk about the Coronavirus. JOI had always wiped down their equipment, but as a precaution, you doubled and tripled your efforts to minimize the risk. However, because of some of my underlying health conditions, it was decided that I was considered “High Risk” and should not continue with my in-office sessions.
As you are aware, JOI quickly tested and adopted a system whereby using my laptop computer, or my cell phone. Therefore, I could continue with my needed sessions in the comfort of my home. It has worked out very well using my stretch bands in various ways. The process continues to progress where you demonstrate the exercises. I execute them and you critique my effort.
I certainly look forward to returning to your facility for my remaining sessions as soon as possible.
JOI and its management have earned the reputation of excellence in my book. I would further encourage anyone needing the treatment that JOI specializes in to give them a try. You will not be disappointed as they have consistently demonstrated that they put their patients first.”
-Dan Reese (JOI Rehab San Marco)
“Since October 2018, I have being going through some type of Physical Therapy. It began with my right wrist after a three-place break. A re-break by my JOI surgeon, which was followed by two surgeries.
I suffer from Osteoporosis. In November 2019, broke my right ankle in three places while just standing & pivoting to pick up something from my couch. December 2019, I was the passenger in an auto accident where we were hit from behind twice by the same driver. As a result of that accident, I incurred two breaks in my right foot, and severely injured my back/sacroiliac.
Belinda Kirkland has been my Physical Therapist for all of my injuries, except my Right Wrist. I’ve never enjoyed PT as much as I have since being home-bound during this Coronavirus ordeal, and having Belinda as my Physical Therapist. PT has always been something to just get through because I knew I needed it to get better. But the “lemonade” from this “lemon” has been the one-on-one attention during my physical therapy, and getting to know my therapist better.
In the office, I generally have to share Belinda’s attention and wonderful care with other patients. She manages her time well, so I have never felt cheated. However, having my therapy through Zoom has allowed her to give me her undivided attention, and I’ve learned even more about properly doing my exercises. One of Belinda’s wonderful attributes is her ability to explain in laymen’s terms why I’m doing a particular exercise, and how I will benefit from this particular exercise.
I believe having one-on-one therapy has helped my recovery process even more than in the office. I also believe that part of a successful, timely recovery process is having a good rapport with your Physical Therapist. Belinda and I have always had that rapport, no matter where the location. However, during my Zoom exercises, I have also discovered that we have much in common in our love of sports, nature and wildlife. As well as our common interests in growing things. I absolutely love listening to her daughter’s “concerts” in the background during my therapy. When I found out she played in her school band, I asked Belinda to allow her to continue her practicing while I was working out. It helped me relax, and at the same time, concentrate more during my exercises. Belinda has made this sometimes very painful drudge a wonderful experience that I actually look forward to.
There is always a good and bad side to everything it seems. I know soon that thanks to her, I’ll be back to normal. In this situation, that’s also the bad news. I’m going to miss our therapy sessions. The manner in which Belinda handles her patients has brought a breath of fresh air and a lot of hope regarding the future of my healing to my life. I have no doubt that she treats all of her patients the same way. If I were to be home bound in the future, and need therapy, it will certainly be Belinda Kirkland I’ll request. They don’t come any better than her, ethically or professionally.”
-Mara Ovens (JOI Rehab Mandarin)
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