Turf Toe


By: Jon Stiffler, PTA

Turf Toe Defined

Turf toe is a debilitating injury that occurs with athletes such as football players, soccer players, baseball players, rugby players, and lacrosse players. 

The reason turf toe is common among these types of athletes is that these athletes participate in sports which require frequent and constant pushing off of the foot with running, sprinting, and cutting movements. 

During this frequent and constant pushing off many times the big toe can go into excessive hypertension (excessively bend back). 

When this occurs the soft tissue structures surrounding the first metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint of the big toe, which is the joint at the base of the big toe by the ball of the foot, can be injured. 

These soft tissue structures include the plantar plate, collateral ligaments, and flexor hallucis brevis.

JOI Treats Turf ToeTurf Toe

Symptoms of Turf Toe

Symptoms of turf toe can include:

  • Stiffness of the big toe
  • Discomfort with weight bearing of the foot
  • Inability to push off with the toe with walking and/or running.

Treatment of Turf Toe

Turf toe can be treated different ways and may include:

  • Rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE)
  • NSAIDs to control inflammation

Immobilization of the big toe through splinting, casting, or a walking boot

  • Physical Therapy
  • Custom Orthotics
  • Medical Laser Therapy
  • Surgical intervention for severe cases

RICE and NSAIDs can aid in decreasing inflammation occurring from turf toe, especially in the initial stages after injury. To aid in decreasing any stress to the joint and reduce further injury immobilization is helpful to reduce the chances of continued excessive hyperextension and reduce additional inflammation. 

A doctor may prescribe Physical Therapy to address turf toe which may focus on improving MTP (metatarsophalangeal joint) mobility, controlling inflammation, and improving biomechanics with weight bearing and gait. 

Sometimes custom orthotics are needed to improve support in the shoes of someone with turf toes in order to reduce risk of injury/re-injury. When getting orthotics, it is always good to be evaluated by a MD first and receive a prescription for custom orthotics such as those made by FootMaxx. 

In some severe cases where conservative treatment is not enough surgical intervention may be needed to treat turf toe in order to address damage to structures or remove scar tissue.

What should I do if I think I have Turf Toe?

The quick answer is if one feels that they may have turf toe, the first step would be to visit an Orthopaedic specialist trained to treat foot conditions to be evaluated. This doctor would then be able to aid in the best treatment plan for an individual’s specific condition. 

Although turf toe can be debilitating, it is a condition that when addressed with the correct interventions can be successfully treated in order to get one back into the game and active with their recreational activity or sport.

To schedule with JOI Rehab for the treatment of turf toe, please call 904-858-7045.

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