Where Do I Go If I am Injured During the Coronavirus Pandemic?
The Jacksonville Orthopedic Institute Physicians are still here for your orthopaedic injuries during this crisis. In an effort to increase access to the Doctors of JOI, we are now offering ASAP Fracture and Injury Services. This allows patients who have urgent orthopaedic needs from an injury to be seen quickly by an Orthopaedic Doctor. This is an option if you choose to not want to go the Emergency Room.

How does the JOI Fracture and Injury Service Work?
If you have an injury and are concerned about a fracture or soft tissue tear, here is what you need to know.
- All 5 of the JOI Physician offices are offering this ASAP service in a convenient and safe environment.
- CALL 904-JOI-2000 to get an ASAP Appointment or Schedule Online.
- The hours are 8am to 5pm Monday thru Friday.
- Bring your ID and Insurance information.
- Telemedicine new visits and follow-up visits are also available by request at the Call Center for our physicians and physical therapists.
Severe trauma or obvious open fracture injuries should still go to a Hospital Emergency Department for care.
We want to make sure that you are aware that JOI and JOI Rehab are still here for you during this crisis. We also have a Bridge Physical Therapy Program to come to your own home in a limited geographical area of our 13 Physical Therapy Clinics or call 904-858-7045. Together, we can get through this difficult time.
New To JOI: You now can make and cancel follow-up appointments for your JOI Physician through the JOI Portal.
If you have questions about ASAP JOI Fracture & Injury Services, please give us a call 904-JOI-2000 or schedule online.