Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute and JOI Rehab Locations
JOI has 4 Physician Offices and JOI Rehab has 13 Physical Therapy Locations
To learn more about Direct Access to Physical Therapy without seeing an MD, please read this ARTICLE.
Physician Office Locations
Please call your Physician Office Location for scheduling of Work Comp appointments, follow-up appointments after diagnostic tests and for injections.
If you need to contact your physician or their medical staff members, please call these numbers:
- JOI Baptist Beaches
- (904)241-1204.
- JOI Baptist South
- (904)880-1260.
- JOI Nassau
- (904)261-8787
- JOI San Marco
- (904)346-3465.

- Arlington
- Atlantic
- Baptist Beaches
- Fleming Island/Clay County
- Mandarin
- Nassau Rehab
- Nocatee
- North
- Point Meadows
- San Marco
- South
- Westside
- World Golf Village