Acupuncture After Covid-19
By Jon Stiffler, PTA, CPT, PES
Acupuncture After Covid-19
Acupuncture after Covid-19 poses many concerns for patients. This is because the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in changes throughout all of our lives. However, while these changes have impacted many aspects of our lives, one thing that has not changed is the benefit of Acupuncture to treat your medical condition.
Acupuncture Treatment Helps With:
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Colitis
- Fatigue
- Fertility
- Fibromyalgia
- Headache
- Low Back Pain
- Pain
- Sciatica
- Shoulder Pain
- Sinus Problems
- Stress
- Tennis Elbow
- Wrist Pain
What JOI Acupuncture is Doing for Your Safety
- We will call new patients prior to appointment and receive information from clinic staff reminding them of their appointment and giving them instructions to not come in if they feel ill, as well as wearing a mask when arriving for the appointment. We will continue to educate new patients about the guidelines.
- For all staff members and Acupuncture patients being seen in the office, staff members will perform temperature checks and screening. Patients and staff that are able to proceed will follow normal COVID-19 protocol.
- Shields are at the front desk areas as a protection device.
- Cleaning of all centers will be daily by our cleaning company.
- Acupuncture patients will continue to wear appropriate PPE at all times while in the building, as well as being provided information for “homemade masks”
- PPE will continue to be used by all staff. We will sterilize tables between patients. JOI always uses clean linen and new needles for each visit. Staff will clean any commonly touched surfaces between each patient by the Acupuncturist to include door handles, pens, chair handles, etc.
- To decrease the risk of disease transmission with hands-on treatment, the Acupuncturist will ensure hands are washed and/or sanitized after touching each patient or non-sanitized surface.
- The Acupuncture room will have a HEPA Air Sanitizer in it to filter the air within the room.
- Social distancing guidelines are in place except for patient treatment area.
How to Book an Acupuncture Visit
JOI Rehab has Licensed Acupuncturists who have advanced training and experience that allows them to provide care focused on healing injuries, improving function, or increasing circulation.
Acupuncture is available by appointment at JOI Rehab San Marco – 1325 San Marco Blvd., Suite 102
Finally, to schedule your Acupuncture visit, please call
- San Marco: 904.858.7045